The Fayre-Legenderry 2024

The Fayre-Legenderry

Quilt Fayre are going on the road in 2024 as The Fayre-Legenderry. This will open new opportunities to reach a broader audience of Patchwork & Quilting enthusiasts, who may not have had the chance to attend the event at our headquarters. Traveling to various locations will allow us to connect with diverse communities, share the joy of Patchwork & Quilting, and create memorable experiences for attendees across various regions. 

Overall, the combination of shopping opportunities, interactive activities like "Make and Take," social spaces like "Knit and Natter," and educational sessions in the "School House", creates a well-rounded and engaging one-day extravaganza for Patchwork & Quilting at the Ebrington Hotel & Spa, Derry/Londonderry.


Saturday May 11th 2024, 10am-5pm

The Ebrington

Ebrington Square, Derry/Londonderry,

Northern Ireland BT47 6FA

Ticket Prices: £6.50(Online), £7.50(Door).



Knit & Natter

"Knit and Natter" provides a dedicated space for knitting enthusiasts to come together, share their projects, and seek advice from an expert like Marion. The comfortable chairs and the informal atmosphere (often referred to as "craic" in some regions, meaning enjoyable conversation) make it a cozy and social area for attendees to relax, exchange ideas, and troubleshoot any knitting challenges they may be facing.

Make & Take

The Board Room, Ebrington Hotel

Saturday 11th May 2024

Max 10 participants , £3 on the door

An online valid entry ticket to The Fayre-Legenderry is also required.

Make and Take places can only be booked on the day, samples of all the workshops will be on display and you can book on arrival – its a first come first served schedule. You will need to bring a little sewing kit with scissors, needle and threads.

Tutors include :

Doll maker, author, knitter, crochet and embroidery expert Louise Kelly will host two classes, an introduction to the basics of knitting in the morning , and an introduction to crochet in the afternoon.

Well known quilter, knitter,event trader,and crafter extraordinaire Nancy Moreland will be showing you how to make a traditional Dorset button.

Quilter, teacher, author, and event organiser Margaret Lee will help you make your own take home vintage bangle pin cushion.

Thérèse Kelly Kelly , event trader, embroiderer, and teacher will inspire you to make a little heritage embroidery during this session.

Lynn McCullough , embroiderer and teacher will be joining us in Derry to teach one of her charming little miniature embroideries.


Class Schedule for Make & Take.

Time Tutor Class Table
10.30 Louise Kelly Crochet Basics A
10.30 Thérèse Kelly Wild Flowers Embroidery B
12.30 Nancy Moreland Dorset Button A
12.30 Lynn McCullough Mini Embroidery B
14.30 Margaret Lee Vintage Bangle Pin Cushion A
14.30 Louise Kelly Knit Basics B


The Fayre-Legenderry provides a comprehensive and convenient shopping destination for quilting enthusiasts. With a diverse range of 25 exhibitors, offering various quilting supplies, including fabrics, threads, wadding, fat quarters, attendees can explore a wide selection of products all in one place. This not only makes it convenient for shoppers but also allows them to discover unique brands, products, and techniques in the world of Patchwork and Quilting.

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